2023 Meeting Minutes
Monday November 13, 2023
On Zoom at 7 pm
1. In Attendance: Susan Landau, Debbie Ryysylainen, John Fagan, Jeanne Cunillera, Sandi Mayer, Willie Juhlin, Michelle Packer, Allen Wells, Scott Wild, Lori Pucek
2. October Minutes: Susan moved to approve, Deb seconded, all voted to approve.
3.Treasurer's Report: Deb reports that we have about $10,000 in our account which includes a few recent donations ranging from $5 to $250.
4. Website:
A. John F shared the results of the first ever votes for Friends’ Favorite Photos. Landscape and plant photos are the subjects of this round of selections.
Please view these gorgeous photos here: https://www.fofpw.org/favoriteplantsandlandscapes2023
Our next category will be wildlife, so there is more voting to come. Many thanks to those who organized this and to those who voted. Special thanks to John F. for all the beautiful web work and tallying the votes!
B. John also posted photos of our Potluck and the Scout sheet mulching event on the website-- fun to see!
5. Instagram: Deb reports that we are holding steady with about 60 followers. She is posting photos regularly.
6. Membership and Volunteers: We now have more than 280 email members and Michelle reports that she has recorded 919 volunteer hours to date in 2023.
7. Owl Release: FoFPW received a lovely thank you note from Raptor Trust for our $500 donation. Christian is working to edit his video of the release. John will post it on the website and I will email to all on our list when available.
8. Invasive fight/restoration update:
A. Resume volunteer days Jan 7, 1-3 PM. We will continue to clear invasives in the south woodland area in preparation for reforestation planting. We also need to rake to soil and seed meadow and stilt grass invaded areas.
B. The ADP volunteer day was rained out and I hope to reschedule their date in the winter.
9. TJ Grade Level Trees: We planted a tree with each grade level, 3, 4, 5 to kick this project off. In future years the incoming third grade will choose a native tree to plant as their “class tree”. We hope to organize recess or after school planting days to establish shrubs and forbs to surround these trees and create all the layers of a true small forest.
10. Garden Club of Morristown: The GC of M held their dedication of Darby's Garden on Oct 15.
11. Dec and Jan meeting dates and location.
A. Our December Meeting is cancelled
B. The January meeting will be scheduled for Monday January 22 at 7 PM on Zoom due to scheduling conflicts.
12. Adjournment: Deb moved to adjourn at 7:32, Sandi seconded, all approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Monday October 9, 2023
In person at the docks at 5:30 pm
1. In attendance: Marcia Graydon, Gail Biggs, Jeanne Cunillera, Sandi Mayer, Thelma Achenbach, Greg Lombardi, John Fagan, Judy Bayard, Lisa Miller, Susan Landau, John Landau, Willie Juhlin, Michelle and Bentley Packer, Linda Carrington, Chris Cioffi, Great Blue Heron.
2. September minutes: Thelma moved for approval, Sandi seconded and all voted in favor.
3. Treasurer's report: Deb reported via email that we have $10,351 in our account.
4. Website:
A. John F. Is working on posting the rain garden with Katie.
B. He has posted our Potluck, and Cub Scouts event under “What’s New”.
5. Membership and volunteers:
A. We are approaching 280 members.
B. Michelle reports 802 documented volunteer hours to date in 2023.
6. Owl release
A. Raptor Trust will release owls at 6:45 on Wednesday. John L will check the boxes in advance and clear any old (wren) nests.
B. Sandi moves that we donate $500 to Raptor Trust. Susan seconded and the motion was approved with one abstention.
7. Invasive fight/restoration update:
A.Volunteer Days continue Sundays from 10 -12. These days will be paused after Sunday Oct 15 until Jan 7.
B. Groups that have joined us:
1.Deloitte planted 7 trees and 7 shrubs in Darby’s Extension.
2. Jersey Cares / Alvogen cleared a substantial area of the badly invaded south woodland, removing approximately 2 cubic yards of invasives.
3. Cub Scout Pack 228 sheet mulched the area opposite TJ swings. 12 scouts and 9 parents moved 6 cubic yard of mulch. They will return to plant shrubs in the area in spring.
4. Rutgers Environmental Stewards will join us Sunday Oct 15.
5.ADP is scheduled to help remove invasives on Thursday Oct 19.
8. Photo contest: The photo contest is taking shape. The goal is to select a collection of “Foote’s Friends Favorite Photos" to encourage people to visit the amazing photo galleries. John F. will sent out the overview to those present at the meeting.
9. TJ grade-level trees: The votes are in! Grades 3 and 5 chose black cherry and grade 4 chose maple. These will be planted on Nov 6 with help from the children. Every year going forward third grade will be given a list of appropriate native trees to choose from and plant a tree to welcome them to TJ. They will be able to track the class tree for their three years at TJ.
10. Garden Club of Morristown: The Garden Club will gather for the dedication of Darby's Garden on Oct 15 around noon. They have a beautiful 5x7 inch sign to place. The sign was approved by the STC.
11 Fungus walks: Michelle and Katie will let us know when time looks good for a fall fungus walk. The schedule is TBD, likely with only 3-4 days notice
12. Other topics:
A. We work in different areas of the park each Sunday and the site is dependent on weather, current priority, and what the volunteers like to do. So we can’t give advance notice of the work site. Please text or call Susan if you come to volunteer and don’t see us right away! 973 886-8029
B. Winter meetings will be on Zoom or in the Library basement meeting room.
13. Next meeting: November 13, 7:00 on Zoom at 7 PM.
14. Adjournment: Linda moved to adjourn, Susan seconded and all approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Landau
Monday September 11, 2023
Virtual on Zoom at 6:00 PM
1. Attendance: Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Jeanne Cunillera, Thelma Achenbach, Judy Bayard, Sandi Mayer, Lisa Miller, Kristine Herbst, Linda Carrington, Marcia Graydon, Chris Cioffi, Lorraine Sing
2.August Minutes: Motion to approve by Kristine, seconded by Judy approved by all, excepting one abstention.
3.Treasurer's Report:
We Invested in hoes, picks, and plants.
$1,300 of trees, shrubs and plugs for the park.
After all checks and deposits clear, we have $10,200 in the account
4. Website:
John reports that he continues to post new photos and that we have 8 official partners including the library. Cohome is a potential ninth community partner and we did a nature tour with them. Inviting them to become a community partner is a decision for the future.
Thelma added a link to FoFPW to Woodside's website. This might be considered for other HOAs and partners.
5. Membership and Volunteers:
Kristine reports the usual slow but steady addition of new members
Michelle let us know that we have 684 volunteer hours YTD.
6. Invasive fight/restoration update:
A. Volunteer Days continue Sundays from 10 -12.
B. Poison ivy treatment scheduled for Tuesday Sept 12 -- cost $564. Susan moved to approve Thelma seconded and all approved. Treatment areas are prioritized by, first where children walk the most, second where the public could be most exposed, and third where volunteers need to work.
C. We have 3 corporate groups coming to volunteer in the fall as well as the Rutgers Environmental Stewards (RES) and Boy Scouts.
1. Deloitte volunteer group will plant trees and shrubs from Pinelands on Sept 28; rain date Sept 29. Ten trees, 40 shrubs.
2. Scouts on Sunday Oct 8 - sheet mulch.
3. Jersey Cares on Thursday Oct 4 - clear invasives in woods
4. RES on Saturday Oct 7 - clear invasive in woods
5. ADP on Friday Oct 20 - continue clearing invasive or begin restoration (Mike Brown arrangement)
D. Garden Club Of Morristown will have a dedication of Darby’s Garden on October 15. They will also help with final plantings and weeding on the Friday mornings just prior to that dedication
7. Photo contest
The contest to select Friends Favorite Photos is taking shape.
1. We will ask each gallery photographer to select a number of photos or the board will select and ask photographers’ permission.
2. John can create a web page that allows one to “like “ photos which will serve as votes.
3. One category of photos will serve as the pilot voting category.
4. Future categories could be insects, birds, plants, etc….
John moved to authorize a team to create a photo selection pilot to select and promote a Friends of Foote's Favorite Photos Gallery. Susan seconded and all approved.
8. Rain Garden
Susan will ask Katie and Barb to contact John about how best to link or post formation about the rain garden to the website and possibly post a sign with QR code to TJ rain garden page on the website.
9. Cohome - We gave Cohome a tour/nature walk around the park , it was lovely and enjoyed by all.
10. TJ Students
1. Return to school and the park. Each class visits for observation with the science teacher.
2. Native garden at the school sign, managed by a Girl Scout for her Gold Award, is doing well. She have made a lovely booklet about the project.
11. Garden Club of Morristown
1. Darby's Garden dedication Oct 15
2. They have ordered a small sign and Susan will ask STC permission for permission.
12. Other Topics - The potluck was really fun. Please send your recipes to Susan to share will the group. The food was fabulous!
13. Next Meeting: October 9, 5:30 in person at the dock.
14. Adjournment: Sandi moved for adjournment at 6:48 and Kristine seconded. Approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Monday August 14, 2023
In person at the dock 6:30 PM
1. In Attendance:
Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Jeanne Cunillera, Thelma Achenbach, Greg Lombardi, Gail Biggs, Judy Bayard, Sandi Mayer, Lisa Miller, Kristine Herbst, Willie Juhlin, Michelle Packer, A.J. Oliver, Debbie Ryysylainen, 2 Green Herons and one Great White Egret.
2.July Minutes: Motion to approve: Debbie. Seconded: Michelle. Unanimous approval.
3.Treasurer's Report: Debbie reports that we have almost $12,000. This includes a new incredibly generous $1,000 donation.
4. Website and Instagram: John F. continues to post new photos to the web page and Debbie reports that the Insta following is slowly growing.
5. Membership and Volunteer Hours
Kristine reports that we have 272 email list members and 69 contributing members.
Michelle has recorded 661 volunteer hours so far this year.
She will break out groups and add in Lidgerwood volunteers too.
6. Invasive fight/restoration update:
A.Volunteer Days continue Sundays from 10 -12.
B Poison ivy was treated on Aug 17, courtesy of the STC.
C. We have three groups, two corporate and NJ Environmental Stewards, coming to help tackle the south wooded area invasives in preparation for planting native trees, shrubs, and ground layer in small deer exclosures. These volunteer days will be scheduled in October. We have permission from the STC and Morristown.
We will need additional tools to support these days. In light of our most wonderful new donation Thelma moved that $500 be allowed for purchasing tools, Jeanne seconded. No discussion; approved unanimously.
D. TJ class trees: three trees are planned for fall 2023. One for each grade and in future years, one tree will be planted each year by the incoming third grade. Each class will choose their favorite species from a site-suitable list.
E. Sandi notes that progress in parks is to be presented to Morristown Council in September. Michelle’s data will be important for our reports to Council. Update: After our meeting, the STC decided to do a year-end report on all parks in November.
7. Potluck: Our potluck is scheduled for Sunday Sept 10 5:30 PM. Landau house, 128 James Street. A workable Google signup sheet is coming soon.
8. Other Topics:
A. FoFPW photo contest was discussed. John L, John F, Michelle, Lisa and Debbie will continue to discuss and move forward with this. The idea is to engage FoFPW with our wonderful photo galleries and maybe engage the public at large in the final voting on Instagram. We will need permission from our photographers and maybe their selection of favorite photos from their collections to submit and kick off the selection process. Photos may be considered by category like, flora, fauna, birds, landscapes, etc.
B. Thelma continues to advocate for a screech owl release for us, fingers crossed!
C. Selection of plants for the park in the fall has begun. Please send ideas for the park and plants you’d like for yards to Susan.
9. Next Meeting: September 11, 6:30 in person at the dock.
10. Adjournment: Debbie moved to adjourn and Kristine seconded. Unanimous vote at 7:22 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Landau
Monday July 10, 2023
In person at the dock 6:30 PM
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.
1. In Attendance:
Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Linda Carrington, Jeanne Cunillera, Allen Wells, Thelma Achenbach, Greg Lombardi, Gail Biggs, Judy Bayard, Marcia Graydon, Sandi Mayer, Lisa Miller.
2. June Minutes: Susan moved to approve, Marcia seconded, all approved.
3.Treasurer's Report: Susan reports that our balance is $10,775. TJ PTO still owes us about $800.
4. Website and Instagram: John F reports that we had about 172 unique visitors last month. The fabulous galleries and labels on photos were noted.
5. Membership:
Continues to slowly grow. Special thanks to Greg’s daughter, Tara, for spiffing up the sign along the path in the woods and making our url (fofpw.org) very clear. People do contact us because of the sign.
6. Invasive fight/restoration update:
A. Volunteer Days continue Sundays from 10 -12. Darby’s Garden was recently weeded and the path through the main meadow cleared. Next priority is clearing the marsh path, plants are flopping onto the trail.
B. Some poison ivy treatment courtesy of the STC was done by the NJISST interns. The poison ivy along the paths from the Overlook entrance just past the TJ rain garden was treated. The herbicide is marked with blue dye.
C. We are in touch with B’nai Or and hope to meet soon.
D. Fence construction along the path by the school has been stopped until Morristown and the School Grounds Supervisor can talk.
E. We have 2 corporate group volunteer days possible this fall. One with ADP through Mike B. And one with Jersey Cares through Delores on Oct 5. These are on the STC July agenda for discussion and hopefully, approval.
7. Potluck: Our potluck is delayed due to heat and rescheduled for Sept 10 5:30 PM.
8. Other Topics:
A. Marcia notes a tall skinny dead tree remaining near the trail and that the marsh trail needs trimming.
B. Linda notes Country Tree Grants and a great NYT magazine article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/08/magazine/merlin-sheldrake-fungi.html
9. Next Meeting: August 14, 6:30 in person at the dock.
10. Adjournment: At 6:55 PM moved by John, seconded by Greg, voice approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Monday June 12, 2023
7:00 PM on Zoom
Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm.
1. In Attendance:
Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Linda Carrington, Kristine Herbst, Jeanne Cunillera, Allen Wells, Thelma Achenbach, Willie Juhlin, Greg Lombardi, Gail Biggs, Judy Bayard, David Okada, Isabelle Bernard
2. April Minutes: Motion to approve by Susan, Seconded by Allen. Unanimously approved, no comments
3.Treasurer's Report: Deb emailed that our balance is $11,712. Some reimbursements are outstanding.
4. Website and Instagram:
John F. has added a ninth photo gallery for Lisa Epstein!
The partner page is live as well and links to expanded information about each organization.
We now have 53 followers on Instagram.
5. Membership: Kristine reports that we have 261 email members and 66 contributing members
6.Invasive fight/restoration update:
A.Volunteer Days continue Sundays from 10 -12. Sincere thanks to our volunteers!
B. The TJ Rain Garden Planting has begun with more than 500 plants in place. This will be the final Rutgers Environmental Stewards project for Katie and Barb. We are very fortunate to have them take this on! The students from TJ will come to plant with us next week, we hope to see 5 classes of 3rd and 4th graders. And we will have a “family planting time” on Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 with a table of information.
C. The Morristown Rotary Club held a Family Fun Day in Lidgerwood Park and we tabled information and helped young children plant their own native plant in the new woodland garden.
D. Jean Epiphan walked the FPW with us. We learned all kinds of new information and she gave us wonderful guidance about what and where to plant, especially with regard to the proposed deer exclosures.
E. We have new Girl Scout Gold interest in these deer exclusives and native trees.
F. Jeanne continues to spread deer repellent around our new plantings and it is effective.
7. Goose and Bluebird Box Update:
A. Swallows have been observed in some boxes and Katie photographed a Blue Bunting attending to one.
B. One gosling with parents has been visiting the pond. Linda thinks they came from another area and did not nest in FPW.
8. Potluck:
Wednesday July 12 at 5:30 seems like a good date with Thursday July 20 as the rain date .
This will be at 128 James ( John and Susan’s ).
More info will come in a few weeks but please save the dates!
9. Other Topics:
A. Thelma reports that the Raptor trust has several orphan owls scheduled for release in Sept-Oct
She will continue to be in touch with them, and make sure they do not forget that we have 2 vacant houses!
B. John F suggests we contact B'nai Or to see if they'd like to be a partner. Susan will contact.
C. The town's new gravel parking area in the park was discussed.
10. Next Meeting: July 10, 6:30 in person at the dock.
11. Motion to adjourn: by Allen, seconded by Kristine. Unanimous vote to adjourn at 7:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Monday May 8, 2023
6:30 PM at the Foote's Pond dock
Meeting called to order at 6:32.
1.In attendance: Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Linda Carrington, , Sandi Mayer, Kristine Herbst, Michelle Packer, Jeanne Cunillera, Chris Cioffi, Scott Wild, Thelma Achenbach, Willie Juhlin, Diane Otto, Greg Lombardi, Gail Biggs, Kristina Neilson, Judy Bayard, Lisa Miller, David Okada, Isabelle Bernard, Debbie Ryysylainen
2. April minutes: Motion to approve, Kristine. Second, Debbie. Unanimous approval.
3. Treasurer's report: Debbie reports that we have $11,700 in the TD account. About $200 left in John’s Birthday donation, $250 left in the Lidgerwood grant all the other grants have been used.
4. Instagram and website updates
A.Debbie reports that we have 48 followers now. Posting ideas were discussed. If anyone has photos to post please send to Susan or Deb.
B. John has organized our minutes by year on the website. A new donation “in honor of“ is up and the partner page is ready to go.
5. Membership:
Kristine reports that we have 66 contributing members and 250 email list members.
Additions to our email list are mostly from folks walking in the park being invited.
Kristine will send a mailer lite reminder/request for membership donations as appropriate, generally at the end of a calendar year.
6. Volunteer data update:
Michelle reports that we have 471 volunteer hours to date.
Debbie suggests posting a sign to recruit to the email list.
7. Invasive fight/ restoration update:
A. Volunteer days are Sundays weather permitting, now from 10- noon to avoid the afternoon heat.
B. Live stakes are sprouting (!!!)
C. Deer exclosures: Johannes cannot make deer exclosures as an Eagle Scout Project but he will still construct some this summer. It will become a HS volunteer/ church volunteer project.
D. Jean Epiphan, the Rutger Cooperative Extension Agent for Morris County will walk FPW with us in June to help identify canopy openings and determine appropriate tree species to plant in the deer exclosures. Jamie, a Davey Arborist will also walk and give us his advice. FoFPW is incredibly fortunate to have the guidance of these 2 wonderful professionals.
8. Goose and bluebird box update
A. Linda reports there are no active resident geese nesting in FPW or Windmill Pond this year.
B. Debbie reports 3 active nests, all wrens. We need to place nest boxes in more open areas to attract bluebirds. Greg will watch for the right time and place and possibly add a new box.
C. Thelma continues to stay in contact with Raptor Trust as we hope for a screech owl release.
9. TJ update:
A. The native plant plug sale was a success. It raised the funds for the new planting around the TJ sign
B. TJ enrichment class for spring is complete
C. Celebration of Science Day is approaching, Katie will teach about fungi
10. GSWA sale:
25000 plants were successfully sold and sorted into orders with huge volunteer support. FoFPW volunteers played a major role in this success.
11. Lidgerwood:
The Joint STC- FoFPW Project funded by the Rotary Club is almost complete. Susan will pick up more 25 flats of plugs on May 16 and 1 or 2 more planting dates will be scheduled to finish the ground layer planting.
12. Other Topics:
A. Susan to float dates for an FoFPW potluck in June. Possibly a Thursday evening.
B. Poison Ivy treatment by a professional, paid by FOFPW
Judy found a star ledger article about smartphone plant ID apps.
13. Next meeting: June 12, 6:30 PM in person at the dock
14. Adjournment at 7:22
Kristine moved to adjourn, Susan second
All Approved
Monday April 10, 2023
7 PM on Zoom
1. Attendance: Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Linda Carrington, , Sandi Mayer, Kristine Herbst, Michelle Packer, Jeanne Cunillera, Chris Cioffi, Suzanne Mutz-Darwell, Madeline SImon, David Lustbader, Scott Wild, Marcia Graydon, Thelma Achenbach, Suzanne Mutz-Darwell
2. March Minutes: Motion to approve, John F. Second: David. Approved unanimously
3. Treasurer's report: One new anonymous donation, current balance $11,998.64
4. Website and Instagram: No major updates. John F. let us know that Jersey Friendly Yards lists FPW as a place to see native plants on their website: https://www.jerseyyards.org/jersey-friendly-plants/native-plants-public-gardens/
5. Membership: Susan will clarify the annual membership cycle in the newsletter with the minutes.
6. Volunteers and volunteer hours: Michelle reports that --286 hours volunteer hours have been logged so far this year and we have 34 new volunteers
7. Restoration/Invasive fight:
A. Felled Ash trees: We will use fallen logs to line the paths where possible. The brush piled close to the TJ swings will be chipped for use in the proposed rain garden just up the path.
B. Sunday Volunteer Day: Beginning May 7 the regular volunteer time on Sundays will change to 10:00-12:00
C. Planting and more planting: We have many hundreds of plugs coming and live stakes to plant!
D. Live stakes: 200 Live Stakes have been ordered and will arrive at the end of this week. They will need to be planted ASAP. Susan will send an email asking for volunteers when the arrival date is known. Linda moved that $450 be used for these live stakes, Michelle seconded. Approved by unanimous vote
8. GSWA Volunteer sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040e4cafa82aa7fc1-weneed#/
8. Naturalist/ Fungi walks: Douglass Vorolieff is a local naturalist who has offered to host some walks in the park. Dates TBD. Michelle and Katie to determine the timing for walks focused on fungi. Later in the year is generally better. Michelle is extracting purple dye from lichen salvaged from the fallen dead Ash. She will experiment with dying T-shirts and possibly adding the FoFPW logo.
9. TJ update: TJ students continue to visit the park for enrichment and science classes.
We are working with the PTO and a Girl Scout to plant a native bed around the refurbished school sign. This new planting is funded by a plug sale: tjpto.org
10. Lidgerwood Update: We have more planting to do! Volunteer days are April 15 and April 22 from noon- 3:00. If you can help please sign-up here : https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080a48afad2ca2fd0-planting3#/
11. Goose Report: One pair of geese are regularly observed but no nest has been identified.
12. Other topics:
A. A boy scout will construct deer exclosures for his Eagle Project. This will allow us to plant forest trees and shrubs that are protected from deer.
B. Loyola branch clean up and chipping is complete
Their new gate will be installed soon, landscaping is next.
C. Windmill Pond has reached out to FoFPW for Landscaping considerations.
13 Next Meeting: May 8, 2023 6:30 in person at the dock!
14. Adjournment: Suzanne moved to adjourn at 8:07, Kristine seconded, all approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Landau
Monday March 13, 2023
7 PM on Zoom
1.Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
Attendance: Susan Landau, John Landau, John Fagan, Greg Lombardi, Deb Ryysylainen, Linda Carrington, , Sandi Mayer, Kristine Herbst, Michelle Packer, Jeanne Cunillera, Chris Cioffi, Suzanne Mutz-Darwell, Allen Wells, Lisa Miller, Judy Bayard.
2. February Minutes: Susan moved for approval, Judy seconded, unanimous vote to approve.
3.Treasurer's report: Deb reports $11,029 in the account.
4. Website update: John shared the fabulous new live pages, one for our wish list and one for special donations and he shared the page being built to list our community partners. Susan needs to finalize this list. The light box notification of the GSWA Native Plant Sale pops up on opening and has two obvious ways to click it away.
5. Membership:
A. Kristine reports that we have 237 subscribers, including 56 contributing members. New requests to join us continue even in the winter months.
B. Discussion of phone calls to thank donors: A clear consensus was not in favor. Calls were thought to be too intrusive and calls from unknown numbers are not welcome. Email thanks and when appropriate, handwritten notes will continue to be sent.
C. Michelle gave us a volunteer update: Nine new volunteers in February making 19 for 2023 so far. 140 hours have been recorded.
6. Instagram fofpw-nj: Deb continues to post and ideas for spring were discussed. Michelle and Deb will workshop ideas and configure Instagram to link to Facebook. Deb will post a sign at the dock inviting photographers to post.
7. Invasive fight/ restoration update:
A. Volunteer days to resume Sundays 1-3 starting March 19. Chris and Kristine are backup leads for these days if Susan or John are not available.
B. Garlic mustard watch: When it bolts Susan will email volunteer days to pull it.
C. Additional seeding: Sensitive pea has been ordered to plant in areas that TJ students visit along with deer tongue seeds which may offer a good challenge to our stilt grass problems. Susan moved that $127 for seeds and $20 for cat litter be approved. Judy seconded and all voted in favor.
D. More than 100 dead Ash have been felled in the interest of public safety in the park. Susan and John will walk the park with the tree crew, town arborist and head of STC to see what further clean up might be done. Wood is left in place in the park for habitat value and to return the carbon and nutrients to the soil. This also prevents soil damage that would inevitably occur if heavy logs were removed. Cutting brittle dead Ash trees is very dangerous work and the Town Tree Crew has done a remarkable job preserving the soil and minimizing collateral damage as they have taken trees down.
E. Michelle suggested lining the paths with medium sized trunks and branches. This is in the original FPW plans from the early 2000s. It’s a great project for an Eagle Scout and/or our high school team.
F. Jeanne has graciously volunteered to spread granular deer repellent every three weeks around our new shrub plantings.
G. Jeff Simon let us know that Loyola needs volunteers on March 26, 12:00-4:00 for a forest floor cleanup near James St. FoFPW will be able to help with that effort. Susan will give Jeff’s info to Deb so that Verizon volunteers could possibly be recruited to help as well.
8. Bluebird box update: Greg and Linda cleaned out six boxes so they are ready for new residents. They found some wren and some bluebird nests from last season and no mice this year.
9. TJ connection update:
A. Plug sale will go live soon to fund a new native planting around the refurbished school sign. FoFPW is supplying eight flats (four species) for the TJ PTO to sell.
B. The TJ sign has been removed for rejuvenation and the planting bed has been sheet mulched. We have the help of a Girl Scout working on her Gold Award for this project.
C. TJ Enrichment class centered on life in FPW will begin this Friday. Susan, John, and Katie will help.
10. Lidgerwood: The Joint STC-FoFPW Project funded by the Rotary Club: Most of the plants will be available this week. Saturdays March 18 and 25 are the first planting days from 12:00 - 3:00.
11. Other Topics:
A. Linda described a source of cardboard for us - the Table of Hope Food Kitchen on Spring Street, every Thursday.
B. Linda also brought up Earth Day, April 22. This would be a good day for FoFPW to consider an event in the afternoon. Please email any ideas! The town wide cleanup is scheduled for May 20.
C. BPA master plan was briefly discussed.
D. Goose mitigation letter is out for Windmill Pond. Michelle will help spot nesting behavior and nests. Linda, Greg, Susan, and John will be on this project. Anyone interested in joining, please let us know!
E. Burnham Park Association is celebrating their 75th Anniversary (!!!) on April 29. Check their website for updates!
F. Sandi let us know that the pump house on Overlook is coming down.
12. Next meeting: April 10, 2023 on Zoom at 7 PM.
13. Adjournment at 8:15: Kristine moved, Judy seconded, all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Landau
Monday February 13, 2023
Virtual Meeting on Zoom 7 PM
1. Meeting called to order at 7:02
In attendance: Deb Ryysylainen, John Fagan, Linda Carrington, Kristine Herbst, Thelma Achenbach, John Landau, Lisa Miller, Susan Landau, Michelle Packer.
2. Treasury:
A. Deb reports that we have $12,137 in our account. Roughly $3000 is earmarked grant money.
B. Reimbursement requests for 2 new pitchforks, a drill and second battery for planting. Susan moved to approve, Linda seconded, unanimously approved.
3. Website:
A. John F. shared the web page with the FoFPW (in kind) wish list.. Tools are listed so far. The page is ready to go live.
B. John F also shared the page listing donations in honor or memoriam. It will be titled "Gifts" and is ready to go live as well.
C. Posting a list of general donors with permission was tabled for future discussion
D. John F. shared the AllTrails listing and his edits beyond the bot-generated language that cannot be changed.
E. Susan is identifying "Community Partners". List to date: Rutgers Environmental Stewards, Loyola Jesuit Center, Shade Tree Commission, Friends of Brightwood Park, New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team, TJ Elementary School, The Great Swamp Watershed Association and several more are pending. Susan will report these to John F and FoFPW when more complete and ready for posting.
4. Membership:
A. Kristine reports that we have 56 contributing members and approximately 233 members on our email list.
B. Lisa continues to handwrite thank you notes for bigger donations and the feedback from these is lovely. These are written on beautiful, very special note cards made by Willie, featuring her photographs.
5. Volunteers: Michelle is tracking our volunteers in 2023. She reports 110 hours, 31 individual people to date.
6. Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/fofpw_nj/?hl=en):
A. Deb reports 16 followers. Michelle has strategies for algorithm boosting and outreach and promotion.
B. Deb discussed promoting the GSWA plant sale and associated webinars on Instagram. John F. notes that these can also be posted in a lightbox on the website. Susan will forward the social media package from GSWA to Deb and John.
C. Linda mentioned the "Legend of Lake Pocahontas" as a model for a fun film project at Foote's Pond and it could be posted on social media.
7. Invasive/restoration progress:
A.We have sheet mulched much of the area north of Darby's garden for planting in the fall.
B. More invasives were cleared and seeds spread near the smaller new bridge.
C. Katie will teach five classes of TJ students about fungi and/or lichen at FPW when TJ has its "Celebration of Science Day" in May.
D. Ms. Salas' class of 4th grade students studied the FPW habitats and made seven posters. They are on display in the park.
E. Susan will present our joint STC project in Lidgerwood to the Town Council on Feb. 14th.
8. FoFPW Vendor for TJ Elementary:
Susan made a motion that FoFPW apply to become a vendor for TJ Elementary School. This would be used for targeted expenses that are in the FoFPW mission. To include payment for classes taught by FoFPW members or small items to enhance learning in the park when classes or clubs are held at the park. Small magnifying glasses are an example. Michelle seconded and this passed unanimously.
9. Adjournment: Kristine moved to adjourn at 8:02, Susan seconded, all were in favor.
Our next meeting: is Monday March 13, 2023. 7 PM on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2763358470?pwd=MGt5cmVpWWxkOU9YZXRoeFBobTViQT09
Respectfully submitted,
Monday January 9, 2023
Virtual Meeting on Zoom 7 PM
1. In Attendance: Susan Landau, John Landau, Marcia Graydon, Linda Carrington, Deb Ryysylainen, John Fagan, Sandi Mayer, Kristine Herbst, Gail Biggs, Michelle Packer, Jeanne Cunilera, Willi Juhlin, Chris Cioffi, Beth Bayles, Suzanne Mutz-Darwell, Marcia Graydon
2. November Minutes: Motion to approve by Willi, Seconded by Kristine. Approved unanimously.
3.Treasurer's report
Our balance currently: $9452
This includes a very generous donation from Ajay that will be employer matched. Huge thanks to Ajay!
$475 is dedicated for Darby's garden, $55 remains for the Lidgerwood Corner planting.
$ 1904 remains in the Rotary Club grant for the Lidgerwood fence area, an STC project in partnership with FoFPW
Rogue Hoe purchase of $148.90 -- Susan moved to approve, Willie seconded, unanimously approved.
4. Website update:
1. John F has developed draft web pages for a wish list, and donations in honor or memorial.
2. He had our All Trails post updated as well as possible. They use a bot generated narrative that they cannot completely edit.
3. He has added our logo to the website
4. Susan failed to contact partners to work toward developing a partner list, hopes to have that underway soon.
5. In spite of John's best efforts the mysteries of technology do not always forward PayPal notices as requested. John has remedial suggestions.
6. Susan moved to reimburse John F for website expenses for 2022 and 2023.
Approximately $15 year for URL and $190 yr for Wix
Linda seconded. Approved by unanimous vote.
5. Membership: Kristine reports that we have well over 200 regular members on the email list and well over 50 contributing members.
6. Instagram: Deb has established an Instagram account for us! "fofpw-nj". Please follow!
7. Donation of 2 Hori Hori Knives!
Thank you Catherine Keim. These are donated in memory of her parents, Iris and John Keim, a gardener and engineer respectively. A touching and ever-so-useful contribution.
8. New Jersey Charities Registration Application: Complete
9. Annual Report Required by NJ Dept. of the Treasury: Complete
10. Ash Tree Removal on James St:
This Ash was supposed to be left as a tall snag for wildlife habitat support. It was cut to the ground. The Mayor and STC are aware of this error.
11. Young trees cut for biking paths: Mountain bikers are making new paths in the woods This is likely a temporary endeavor but it is destructive. They sawed down 3 lovely young trees and they dig trenches which damage adjacent roots and the forest floor.
Friends of Foote's Pond Wood would like to engage these folks in conversation. If you are comfortable, please ask if they are willing to talk because we'd like to explain the damage to the forest and recruit them to help with restoration. We love that they use the park and want to educate them, NOT condemn them. Having fun in the woods is wonderful but that must be done without killing our trees.
12. Invasive fight/ restoration update:
1. We have had wonderful volunteer turn out as we continue to work on Sundays from 1-3. Raking areas to expose and disturb soil has been completed in 2 areas, followed by seeding with a custom native mix. This will continue through Feb 23.
2. The Garden Club of Morristown will fund a substantial purchase of custom native seed mixes-- an $800 donation!
13. Lidgerwood:
The Joint STC- FoFPW Project funded by the Rotary Club will begin on
January 28 noon-3:00 with sheet mulch. Please join if you like, bring any clean cardboard you have and a hard/mulch rake if you have one!
Sign up is here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080a48afad2ca2fd0-spread#/
14. GSWA Native Plant Plug Sale and Webinars:
The Great Swamp Watershed association Webinars and plant sale are coming soon.
Sign up here from plant sale updates : https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/dY2uhnz/plantsale.
Webinar sign up is here: https://www.greatswamp.org/event/native-plant-webinar-series-2023/.
15. Other Topics:
Linda brought up No Dig by Charles Dowding and noted the troublesome porcelain berry on the edge of TJ property on Overlook as she bird watched.
Suzanne reported a Bald Eagle sighting at Burnham Park.
16. Next meeting: February 13, 2023 on Zoom at 7 PM. Susan will send the Zoom link with the February agenda.
15. Adjournment: Linda moved to adjourn at 7:47 PM, Kristine seconded, Approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Landau