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2025 Meeting Minutes

Monday January 13 2025

7 pm on Zoom


1. In attendance: Linda Carrington, Joan Belz, John Fagan, Thelma Achenbach, Jeanne Cunillera, Suzanne Mutz-Darwell, Lisa Miller, Judy Bayard, Marcia Graydon, Kristine Herbst, Scott WIld, Susan Landau, John Landau.


2. Dec 2024 minutes: Kristine moved for approval, Joan seconded, all approved. 


3. Treasurer's Report: We have had wonderful donations. One from the L and M Crawford Foundation and we would love the information to thank them! We have over $17,000 in the bank now. We spent approximately $12,000 directly on plants in 2024.


4. Membership and Volunteers: Kristine reports that we have 106 contributing members and approximately 360 members on our email list. Michelle let Susan know that FoFPW posted 1,226.5 volunteer hours in 2024 and there were 149 new volunteers. 


5. Website: John F. shared the website and navigated to highlight dropdown menus. He posts our minutes every month. He reminds us to record donations that recognize individuals and events. We need to add Sandi’s bench with 35 donors and gifts for new babies in the neighborhood!


6. Bat Houses: Thelma and Greg continue to work on bat houses. They have selected a bat box and are looking for an expert to consult on proper location. 


7. Restoration Projects: 

  1. Volunteer Sundays will resume in January from 1:00-3:00 ,beginning  Sunday January 19. We will focus on overseeing the main meadow to increase diversity and sheet mulching fall plantings. 

  2. Seeds have been ordered from Pinelands and Ernst.

  3. Signs for TJ School trees are in place.


8. Next meeting: February 10, 2025  on Zoom. 7:00 pm


9. Adjournment: Kristine moved to adjourn at 7:35 and Marcia seconded, all approved.


Respectfully submitted, 


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